Our main emphasis in management of dental emergency is being prepared and available for our patients. It has been said, " if you prepare for emergency, the emergency ceases to exist".

A dental emergency is often described as an injury to the jaw, gums, mouth and teeth. Symptoms to watch out for the most:

  • Severe pain
  • Swelling
  • Bleeding in the mouth or around teeth
  • Loose adult teeth
  • Cracked, chipped, fractured adult teeth
  • Symptoms of Infection such as pain or puss
  • Trauma to the face or mouth

The Power of Prevention and Good Oral Health

Keeping up with your oral hygiene is necessary for not only preventing a dental emergency but also detecting one early. Any concerns you have regarding your oral health should be brought up to your dentist's attention during your next dental check-up.

Remember to brush with either a medium-bristled to a soft-bristled toothbrush, two to three times a day, floss and check your mouth for any swelling or bleeding.

Gingivitis is a common condition that can be easily prevented with good oral hygiene as well as cavities, tooth infections and oral health conditions.

Final Thoughts

Always watch for symptoms in both your mouth, gums, teeth and body. Good oral hygiene and regular dental visits will help you prevent many dental emergencies in advance. If you are in doubt about what is considered a dental emergency, run though the list of symptoms. If you experience symptoms, please call our office immediately 410-398-3833.

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